
What Kind Of Treatment Works For Acne Scars?

What Kind Of Treatment Works For Acne Scars

What Kind Of Treatment Works For Acne Scars? Whether it be just a regular day or the most critical day, nothing aggravates us more than seeing a pimple ruin your day. Acne is the world’s most common skin disorder. It affects over 80% of the population aged 11 to 30. Hormonal changes in teenagers cause […]

How is Psoriasis Treated?

How is Psoriasis Treated

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by patches of red and scaly skin. It can affect any body part but most commonly appears on the scalp, elbows, and knees. There is no known origin, but it is thought to be due to an autoimmune response in which white blood cells attack skin-hairs […]

What Is The Main Cause Of Rosacea?

What Is The Main Cause Of Rosacea

Rosacea typically appears on the face. All of your face, not just your nose and chin, will turn red. With continued exposure, the redness may become more noticeable and ruddy. Your tiny blood vessels may be visible. Some unusual places where rosacea has been seen are the chest, ears, neck, and scalp. If rosacea is […]

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis): Causes, Treatment & Symptoms

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) Causes, Treatment & Symptoms

Eczema is characterized by dry, flaky skin with a reddish appearance and an itchy rash (atopic dermatitis). This skin condition does not extend to other people but is extremely common. Patients who suffer from asthma and allergies are at exceptionally high risk.  There is currently no treatment available, but there is something you can do to […]

What Is The Main Cause Of Acne Vulgaris?

What Is The Main Cause Of Acne Vulgaris

When oil, dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria clog hair follicles, acne vulgaris develops (sebum). This causes the skin to be riddled with imperfections such as blackheads, pimples, whiteheads, and cystic acne. Acne vulgaris, also known as typical acne, is one of the most common skin conditions, particularly during puberty. Roughly fifty million people in the USA […]

Rosacea: Treatments, Types, Causes, And Symptoms

Rosacea Treatments, Types, Causes, And Symptoms

Rosacea is a long-lasting skin disorder that affects upwards of 16 million people in the United States. There is currently no known treatment for rosacea, and there is no apparent obvious cause. However, thanks to studies, medical professionals have discovered ways to alleviate the skin condition by reducing the severity of its symptoms. Rosacea can […]

What Triggers Atopic Dermatitis? Are Atopic Dermatitis And Eczema The Same?

What Triggers Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes red, scaly, itchy rashes on the skin. Eczema is also a skin condition in which the rash is dry and flaky. Understandably, many people are quite confused as to what their differences are.  Atopic Dermatitis And Eczema The Same? Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema. […]

So, I came here for my acne, why are you talking to me about my diet?

So, I came here for my acne, why are you talking to me about my diet

If you’ve been around long enough, the chances are that you’ve experienced acne at some point. It is one of the most common skin conditions that affect both adults and teenagers. It is important to note that acne is multifactorial, meaning that there are many things going wrong in the body that lead to your […]

Why integrative medicine?

integrative medicine

Integrative medicine is a field of medicine that is growing rapidly for a good reason. It combines conventional therapies or the things you are treated with at a regular medical office (i.e., prescription drugs) with natural treatments like nutrition, lifestyle, herbs, and supplements. As chronic disease rates rise rapidly in the U.S. and worldwide, there is […]

Atopic Dermatitis: Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risks, and More

Atopic Dermatitis: Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risks, and More SLC, UT

Atopic dermatitis is probably the most common among eczema or rash-like skin conditions. It is usually very itchy and scratching only causes skin to become red and puffy. Although most common in infants, eczema can also affect children and adults. Skin conditions like atopic dermatitis are known chronic diseases caused by allergic reactions. “Atopic” means […]

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