What Triggers Atopic Dermatitis? Are Atopic Dermatitis And Eczema The Same?

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes red, scaly, itchy rashes on the skin. Eczema is also a skin condition in which the rash is dry and flaky. Understandably, many people are quite confused as to what their differences are. Atopic Dermatitis And Eczema The Same? Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema. […]
Atopic Dermatitis: Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risks, and More

Atopic dermatitis is probably the most common among eczema or rash-like skin conditions. It is usually very itchy and scratching only causes skin to become red and puffy. Although most common in infants, eczema can also affect children and adults. Skin conditions like atopic dermatitis are known chronic diseases caused by allergic reactions. “Atopic” means […]